Flooring Resources is responsive to current design trending towards hard surfaces. Ceramic tile has seen an upswing in the market and we provide products from all major manufacturers. Flooring Resources works closely with architectural product representatives to ensure each job is specified properly and the support for the increasing demand is met. We also make sure to discuss technical installation requirements with manufacturers to ensure excellent results.
Ceramic Tile Products
As with any type of flooring, this list is not exhaustive! We can source any manufacturer for your specification needs!
Flooring Resources provides products from:
- American Biltrite
- American Olean
- Century Tile
- Ceramic Technics
- Ceramic Tool Company
- Crossville
- DalTile
- Esmer Tile & Stone
- Fireclay Tile
- Florida Tile
- Mannington
- Mohawk
- Marazzi Tile
- Mid America Tile
- Schluter
- Stone Source
- TransCeramica
- Virginia Tile